Songdam Jeongeun

Songdam Jeongeun (1927- )

Son Master Songdam was born on August 24, 1927 of the lunar calendar in the village of Ancheongli Gwangsangu in the city of Gwangju.
His father’s name was Park Ilkyu and his mother’s name was Lee Keumkangsim.
He was given the birth name of Park Jongsam.
He learned Chinese Classics at village school and went to elementary school his later years.
In 1945, he shaved his hair and decide to become a Buddhist monk on Gwangju-Seo middle school graduation.
At the same year , he ordained at Jawoon Sunwon with Jeonkang Sunim as his Master Benefactor.
Son Master Songdam went into small business at day time in Kyerim-dong of Gwangju and meditated silence at night.
In 1957, he became enlightened at Bogwangsa of Damyang with 10 years’ silence of meditation.
At that time he was just 31 years old.

The gatha of enlightenment is like the following.

The Spring snow falls at the garden of Hwangmae Mountain.
The cold wild goose flies toward north, with crying.
What brings me in vain for ten years!
The Sumjin river flows under the moon.

Son Master Jeonkang transmitted inka, which is public acknowledgement of spiritual attainment, and made him the designated Dharma heir to the Buddha’s successive 78th generations.

Son Master Jeonkang gave Son Master Songdam Dharma name as Songdam and the gatha of Dharma transmission and he announced these events in public.

The gatha of Dharma transmission is like following.

It is not the Dharma and there is no the Non-Dharma.
Non-Dharma is also no-mind.
There are a lot of autumn’s color this day.
White clouds fly over the pine trees of the river.

Son Master Songdam lived in seclusion at coal-mining region and fishing villages for a long time.
He often cleaned restrooms of bus terminal and also worked at construction site such as Seosan Embankment.
He strictly kept post-cultivation after attaining enlightenment in seclusion life.
In 1970, Son Master Songdam took a leadership position of Yongjusa at Suwon city.

From December 2th 1974 of lunar calendar , Son Master Songdam took a role as director of the Yonghwasa Son Meditation Center.
Son Master Songdam has transmitted the teachings of the Buddha until today.