Yonghwa Pre-School

The Yonghwa Preschool Program attempts to integrate the best features of son Buddhist ethical and spiritual training and contemporary societal education in the way that is most beneficial for young children.

Educational Goals for the Children
1. To learn to cultivate wisdom and compassion with a bright and joyful heart.
2. To learn constructive ways of thinking, speaking, and acting.
3. To learn to respect and care for others and promote social harmony.
4. To learn, cherish, and build upon our native traditions and culture.
5. To cultivate devotion to their parents and respect for their elders.

Highlights of the Yonghwa Preschool Program
“Brightly Correctly Harmoniously”

Nature Treks
* Field trips to natural sites where the children learn about nature from direct experience
* Lessons in observing, appreciating, and learning to live with nature.

Development of Physical, Mental, & Spiritual Health Through son Meditation
* Spiritual education and development through Dharma assemblies and son meditation instruction
* Cultivation of physical and mental health through instruction in traditional exercises and therapies such as mountain hikes, wind bathing, and more

Education for the 21st Century
* Emphasis on integrative educational methods
* Strong utilization of audio-visual teaching techniques
* Preparatory education in language, math, science, social studies, and self-expression through children’s rhymes and stories
* Head start in English studies *Introduction to information technology and the 21st century global village